As an immigrant myself I totally understand what you mean. As I try to build a career in the US, what always comes first from friends and people I meet is the fact that I was not born here, even when I went to a private prestigious university in the US just as Nick. Even at my yoga classes I've been asked if I feel comfortable taking classes in English... I'm like "I wrote a thesis dissertation in English, btw how many languages can you speak?". It is funny and honestly upsetting how many people will just always see us as outsiders.

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I didn't see the article you refer to. It's horrifying. Been following Hot Pod for a few years and went to see him in person at the Podcast Garage in Boston. He has deep knowledge of his subject and uses it to offer important insight. The only reason to use outlier, would be in a good sense, that he had the knowledge and insights ahead of others.

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Thank you for writing this. The Western gaze is too real in this profile, and I'm glad you brought this to light.

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Yes, you absolutely nailed the problem with that profile.

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This makes me feel so sick and disappointed.

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An important person went unnamed in this profile. The "one regular outside contributor" it mentions is the highly sought after and respected podcast critic Caroline Crampton. Nick bought her newsletter in a shrewd business move that instantly increased the reach and journalistic credibility of Hot Pod. We wrote about her here: https://timber.fm/stories/caroline-crampton-podcaster-feature-by-melissa-locker/

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